• 中进汽车租赁是世界500强企业——中国机械工业集团-3777金沙娱场城有限公司(简称“国机集团”,国资委直接管理的“央企”)旗下国机汽车股份-3777金沙娱场城有限公司(简称“国机汽车”,A股上市企业,股票代码:600335)的成员企业。

  • 中进汽车租赁于1997年经国家工商行政管理总局核准登记注册,目前在全国各大中心城市设有分子公司及办事机构30余个,各项经营服务指标在汽车租赁行业中均名列前茅。

  • CTC Car Rental was registered in 1997 approved by the Circular of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. At present,it sets more than 30 subsidiaries and offices around major cities in China with excellent business and service indicators among the entire industry.

  • 公司专注于为客户量身定制专属用车方案,目前已开展常规租赁业务、个性租赁业务、融资租赁业务、汽车衍生业务、新能源车业务,同时提供车辆维修、保养、保险、救援、替换等管家式租后服务。

  • CTC Car Rental focuses on of fering tailor-made services to customers. We have carried out a variety of businesses including regular leasing, personalized leasing, financing leasing, auto derivative business and new-energy auto business. Meanwhile,we are your loyal servant when your cars are in need of maintenance,insurance, emergency rescue, and replacement.

  • 公司以市场为导向,以客户为中心,不断推进专业化、品牌化、网络化、规模化战略,公司愿景为发展成为行业领先最具价值的专业汽车租赁服务商。

  • As a market-oriented enterprise, we put customers first. In the principle of profession, branding, networking and large-scale, we commit to becoming a leading and influential enterprise in the auto leasing industry.

  • 地  址:北京市朝阳区王四营南花园218号

  • 电  话:400-066-7070

  • 传  真:010-51354444

  • 邮  箱:zuche@ctcai.com

  • 网  站:http://www.97ctc.com

  • 邮  编:100023